Pursuit Boats - Rendezvous 2025
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Arial photo of Island in Abaco Bahamas with Pursuit boats and owners gathered during Pursuit annual Rendezvous.
June 15 - 20, 2025
Abaco Beach Resort, Bahamas



We are excited to announce we will head back to the
Abaco Beach Resort in Marsh Harbour, Bahamas for our Annual Owner Rendezvous!

The Abacos is one of the world's best boating destinations with awesome fishing, beautiful beaches, crystal clear water great for snorkeling & diving, and many other activities.

We will leave Ft. Pierce, FL Saturday, June 14, spend the night at Old Bahama Bay on West End (clear customs and refuel), and arrive at the Abaco Beach Resort Sunday, June 15. We will travel back to Ft. Pierce early Friday morning, June 20. Additional details will follow in the next few months.


Click here to see the fun at our last rendezvous!



Pursuit Boats headed into the sunset.

Event Dates:

  • June 14 - Saturday morning leave Ft. Pierce, FL. We will spend the night at Old Bahama Bay on West End
  • June 15 - Sunday morning head to the Abaco Beach Resort, Abaco Bahamas
  • June 20 - Travel back to Ft. Pierce from Abaco early Friday morning



Rendezvous Registration:

Please email Becky Check and/or Chelsea Michael to register with Pursuit and guarantee your spot, or if you have any questions.

There are limited spots available so please contact us quickly if you’re interested in attending.


Hotel Marina reservations

Please make your hotel and slip reservations as soon as possible; we have 40 slips reserved at the Abaco Resort; all reservations must be made no later than May 15.

Please reference the Pursuit Rendezvous 2025 when speaking with an agent or in your email so that the group rate will be extended. Depending on the room type / style the rates vary, the slips are $6 per foot.


Areial view of Abaco Beach Resort


Please contact Becky Check at Beckyc@pursuitboats.com or Chelsea Michael at Cmichael@pursuitboats.com.